Even if he launched a bank that did everything correctly and had no issues, the only way he’s convincing people to switch is by offering something other banks don’t. Something like giving out billions in credit that other banks won’t.
No way is that happening. This is just gonna be a second rate alternative to Venmo.
He’s smoking meth if he thinks I’m leaving my credit union for something his fingerprints are on
Even if he launched a bank that did everything correctly and had no issues, the only way he’s convincing people to switch is by offering something other banks don’t. Something like giving out billions in credit that other banks won’t.
No way is that happening. This is just gonna be a second rate alternative to Venmo.
Isn’t Venmo already the cutrate Cashapp?
TBH I’ve only used Zelle
It’s cash app for boomers (millennials and up)
what if we all got loans from his shit bank and didn’t pay them back