The developer did an AMA on Reddit. I’ve collected some screenshots so you don’t have to go there:

  • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
    1 year ago

    It’s odd you used SimCity because the expansions are two skin addition bundles and updating the modding tool.

    I think I understand what you’re trying to say, but “feature complete” isn’t the term. While “stuff was added” to boxed copies back in the 80s and 90s, it wasn’t to the degree you see today.

    Also consider most boxed copies didn’t see updates. They didn’t until the early 2000s because most people didn’t have (reliable) internet access. Hell I played a different version of Counter Strike than a friend of mine for months because his internet was awful and his download kept failing.

      1 year ago

      SC2K was released DOS/MAC only. A later release “Special Edition” added a mod tool, a few scenarios, and the shocking ability to play it on Windows. There was a scenario expansion pack. There was also a completely separate commercial release with this thing called “networking.” Dunno what that is.

      Three separate commercial releases, all of which had different features.

      You are 100% wrong about boxed games not getting updates. They did, you just had to get lucky enough to buy the most recent release of the game. Imagine for a moment if EA released a game then did bug fixes but made you buy the game again if you wanted the fixes. Yeah, that shit was COMMON. Some companies would offer bug fixes on disk but most would just lawlgoturmoney. All the arrival of the internet did was make it so that patches could be delivered separate from a retail release without physical media.

      “Feature complete” is literally the fucking term used by the person I responded to. Try reading.