Hi, I have built a microvawe transformer spotwelder, I have put a single turn of welder wire for in the secondary and I’m timing it with arduino. Worth mentioning it was/is a 230V transformer. Electrodes are sharpened copper rods. I believe the voltage is still high. The spotwelds it produces are slightly discolored and not as strong as you would expect. Is this design fundamentally borked? Is there anything else I can make to make it better? Photo from test stage before it was built into a project box, it is less “shocking” now.

  • DontNoodles@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 year ago

    I don’t have any improvements to offer but I want to mention that I saw a crazy video that used a circuit breaker as a spot welding device. The concept is pretty much right and it is as cheap as it can gets, but it is electroboom kind of crazy and the guy even hurt himself on camera while using it.