Some months ago, i was in a cosplay convention and there was a political organization called the women’s league of voters. The person that was promoting the organization called me and she asked me some questions about voting. I told her I am against voting but in a very outlandish and vauge way because I was afraid I would give out too much information on my politics.

This made me wonder what should I do if I get sucked into political conversations. Do any of you guys have any advice?

  • Soviet
    1 year ago

    Usually when you go the “I’m a fervent Stalinist” route most people will stay away, if that’s what you want. Otherwise, what I tend to do is explain why that particular perspective is wrong, without mentioning specific ideologies. “Liberal democracy is flawed because you are choosing between a shit in your mouth or a piss in your ear, they are two and the same; the same shit, different smell. It’s the illusion of choice, but in reality both groups represent the people behind. What we need is one party where specific members are removed, and where that party represents the people.” For example, I didn’t say, hell yeah, I love North Korea, but I explained the flaws.