Long story short, when I was kid we for some reason hand reared a jackdaw. So he was like eat from you mouth friendly, and would come to me if I called him from a tree . I was about 12.
My mom made me release him cos she thought he might peck my eye out. So we did. He went to live in tree across the street.
When I was out riding my bike, he would come down and land on my head and we would ride about for a bit.
Are you a Disney princess?
Ty! I want to do this
But careful. If there’s misunderstandings, you better move out.
Here’s the thing…
Today I witnessed a kid skiing through a totally-avoidable puddle of water for fun. My friend commented on how immature the kid was because he got all wet.
Just at that instant, a ski resort employee on a snowmobile went through the exact same (totally avoidable) puddle.
I confess that I would have done the exact same thing! Also, if i was a bird, i would totally slide down roofs for fun.
Being “adult” means being dead inside and instead always adhering to what other people want or expect from you. Screw that, live young as long as you wanna, frolick in grass, do sports, jump puddles. Nobody has the right to judge you, especially as an adult. After all, it’s you who deals with the mess you create.
Yaaay, corvids!
Like small dogs with wings.
I live in the south. Doesn’t snow much here and we caught a couple feet of it randomly recently. One of my favorite things from that was watching our local population of crows play in the snow, really funny to see and I was not expecting it at all.