Loved 2, but am a bit biased, being an older brother myself.
Can also recommend Tell Me Why. It’s essentially a life is strange game by don’t nod but published by Microsoft instead of Square Enix. Is usually free during pride month as one if it’s protagonists is transgender.
Looking at their most recent releases it seems pretty much every game aside from the original Life is Strange has been a commercial flop.
I never played 2, but I loved the original, and really liked both Before the Storm and True Colors.
They’re really good at making me care about their characters
2 was really boring. Though I didn’t like even True Colors. But the original and Before the Storm are some of my most favourite games altogether.
2 Was the best tbh, even though I’m biased towards the others for queer reasons
I’m a full on rural cis hetero gym bro, but I have such a soft spot for disaster lesbians.
Loved 2, but am a bit biased, being an older brother myself.
Can also recommend Tell Me Why. It’s essentially a life is strange game by don’t nod but published by Microsoft instead of Square Enix. Is usually free during pride month as one if it’s protagonists is transgender.
You should play LiS 2, it’s a really good one. I prefered it to Before The Storm and thought it was on par with LiS 1.
Also play The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit before, it’s free and serves as a short prequel to LiS 2
Yeah, seems like a standard case of unwarranted internet outrage.