This is why I don’t believe in propaganda and manipulation or even zionists buy off politicians and blah blah blah. Left to their own devices, they come up with shit like this grassroots level. I am sure they heard it somewhere, but it only confirmed what they already believed in their hearts.
I mean, there is some level of propaganda and manipulation. To there isn’t at all sounds like it’s just human nature that people come up with the most racist shit. But we believe that people can change if the material conditions change. If we can change the environment these people are in, they won’t come up with such horrible stuff. Or at least, after a few generations they might not.
I think people mostly align to the system that advances their material interests. That’s why upper middle class suburbia produces a lot more reactionaries that fantasize about doing things from the saw movies to “home invaders” (we know what race they are in the fantasies). That’s why the tech sector went right wing, even a lot of minorities once they started making 300k plus after being “woke” earlier.
Edit: i am willing to entertain other theories for my observations but recent politics have made me cynical.
I would say it’s always some of both. Otherwise class traitors wouldn’t exist. And in the case of like white supremacy, that is going back generations in being established and normalized, and has yet to be dismantled on a system level in its strongest bases (such as the US). Colonialism goes even further back than the establishment of white supremacy, if I’m not mistaken, and that hasn’t been fully dismantled either, only in some regions.
That’s precisely my point. When Columbus landed on the shores of this hemisphere, there was no propaganda against the natives. He just somehow knew to call them “savages” etc. He knew right away that’s what he needed to do to justify taking their stuff and making them slaves.
There was inherent propaganda already in place from centuries of European warfare such as the Reconquista and some argument can be had that this sort of mindset came from wanting to emulate Rome and influenced by the massive continent-spanning religious institution that birthed from it. Roughly at around the same time, Europeans were beginning to “explore” Sub-Saharan Africa. There’s plenty of previous precedent that could have created “propaganda” in the mind of the settlers.
I would mostly agree. There are instances of class traitors among the bourgeoisie who have aided leftist causes. But perhaps there are other material forces at play for them too.
This is why I don’t believe in propaganda and manipulation or even zionists buy off politicians and blah blah blah. Left to their own devices, they come up with shit like this grassroots level. I am sure they heard it somewhere, but it only confirmed what they already believed in their hearts.
I mean, there is some level of propaganda and manipulation. To there isn’t at all sounds like it’s just human nature that people come up with the most racist shit. But we believe that people can change if the material conditions change. If we can change the environment these people are in, they won’t come up with such horrible stuff. Or at least, after a few generations they might not.
I think people mostly align to the system that advances their material interests. That’s why upper middle class suburbia produces a lot more reactionaries that fantasize about doing things from the saw movies to “home invaders” (we know what race they are in the fantasies). That’s why the tech sector went right wing, even a lot of minorities once they started making 300k plus after being “woke” earlier.
Edit: i am willing to entertain other theories for my observations but recent politics have made me cynical.
I would say it’s always some of both. Otherwise class traitors wouldn’t exist. And in the case of like white supremacy, that is going back generations in being established and normalized, and has yet to be dismantled on a system level in its strongest bases (such as the US). Colonialism goes even further back than the establishment of white supremacy, if I’m not mistaken, and that hasn’t been fully dismantled either, only in some regions.
That’s precisely my point. When Columbus landed on the shores of this hemisphere, there was no propaganda against the natives. He just somehow knew to call them “savages” etc. He knew right away that’s what he needed to do to justify taking their stuff and making them slaves.
There was inherent propaganda already in place from centuries of European warfare such as the Reconquista and some argument can be had that this sort of mindset came from wanting to emulate Rome and influenced by the massive continent-spanning religious institution that birthed from it. Roughly at around the same time, Europeans were beginning to “explore” Sub-Saharan Africa. There’s plenty of previous precedent that could have created “propaganda” in the mind of the settlers.
I would mostly agree. There are instances of class traitors among the bourgeoisie who have aided leftist causes. But perhaps there are other material forces at play for them too.