Helping the most people comes with building the most homes. The awesome part of what he’s doing is foregoing profit. Helps even more people. But keeping “self financed” production up, without micromanaging communities, is likely the best use of his time.
The best way to help people isn’t necessarily by gatekeeping for only those who deserve the most help, and reducing the total help provided, bc of the gatekeeping getting in the way.
Go and implement your way of doing it then, get back to us. Otherwise, STFU from your warm home with, I assume, little experience of the concerns of homeless people. Even if I’m wrong on that last part, please just be happy about something positive going on without sticking your keyboard nose in it.
Go outside and talk to someone. Maybe a homeless person.
Wouldn’t the prices going up immediately negate the entire reason the community exists?
Helping the most people comes with building the most homes. The awesome part of what he’s doing is foregoing profit. Helps even more people. But keeping “self financed” production up, without micromanaging communities, is likely the best use of his time. The best way to help people isn’t necessarily by gatekeeping for only those who deserve the most help, and reducing the total help provided, bc of the gatekeeping getting in the way.
Go and implement your way of doing it then, get back to us. Otherwise, STFU from your warm home with, I assume, little experience of the concerns of homeless people. Even if I’m wrong on that last part, please just be happy about something positive going on without sticking your keyboard nose in it.
Go outside and talk to someone. Maybe a homeless person.