I used to see him all over the place and now nothing. I checked his post history and it’s been 24 days since he last posted anything.
I don’t know the guy or have any personal stake, but seeing someone everywhere just suddenly disappear is odd.
I will absolutely not share specifics of this since it would be doxxing him, but I found one of his other social media accounts and it had a post from a week ago that seemed ordinary enough. Whatever got him to stop posting here, it wasn’t something so drastic as to prevent him from engaging with his interests
(Also Squid, if you see this, I am happy to explain how I found you over DMs if it concerns you)
Glad to hear that he’s apparently doing okay.
But I must say, I think it’s probably for the best that he dialed down his Fediverse engagement. Both for his own sake (nobody should spend that much time on social media) and for the Fediverse as a whole - he seemed to be everywhere that I went and it made the place feel small and monocultural.
I’ve always liked the way on Reddit I barely ever recognized anyone’s name. I prefer engaging with the conversation, not with the people.
Being real, part of what’s been great about lemmy is connection with people, instead of empty bullshit jokes and snark and the usual smugness that comes from not knowing the people.
There’s a been dozens of times I’ve seen people here see someone acting unusual, and reaching out to see what’s going on, offering sympathy and ending with mutual respect instead of slap fights.
Fuck the way reddit worked. It didn’t work, but everyone thought it was the only way to have threaded forums, that you had to accept everyone being anonymous dicks as the price of discourse and content.
But it isn’t, it really isn’t the only way. And lemmy, for all its faults, still has that sense of actual community where you can go to a new C/ and run across lemmy friends. Some of them may even turn into friends in other ways.
The old squid was indeed everywhere, and he made plenty of mistakes along the way, but damned if he didn’t do his part to make lemmy feel like a place for people first, even when the way he went about that was one of his mistakes.
I don’t want to float through the kind of cesspits reddit could have, feeding back into toxicity via anonymity and disconnection.
I like that aspect of lemmy as well. I quite commonly see familiar names.
Well, that’s fine if you prefer it that way. I prefer relative anonymity and subject-focused discussion myself. It’s a preference, not an objective “I’m right and you’re wrong” sort of thing.
Word. No right or wrong :)
Just don’t know that you’ll find lemmy in general that subject focused. There’s some communities that stay pretty tight, but it tends more towards mini chats rather than more structured comment chains.
I really like just occasionally recognizing someone. Also, user labels are awesome. I write about funny jokes and mad nuts in those.
I’m glad he’s off if that’s truly him then. Some of the other posts here were worrying. Best of luck to him and his family.
Nicole got 'em.
She gets everyone in the end.
Yep, they’re a goner.
Rip the homey.
Last I saw, he moved back to the UK and was struggling to find a job. The sudden, unexpected lack of communication is certainly concerning.
I knew about the UK move, but had no idea about the job. I agree that the sudden cutoff is strange indeed.
He shared a lot about his life on here and I worry he set himself up for failure moving to the UK. Based on what he’s said, he had a condition where he no longer wanted to eat, and then stopped working for a long time because of that. He seemed to expect that finding a job was going to be easy moving to a new country, but that’s not typically the case, especially after having not worked in years.
After moving, he talked a lot about finding a job, which had me wondering what changed. While he wasn’t working, he was spending 12+ hours on Lemmy every day, with like well over a hundred posts/comments per day, and constantly talking about not being able to work. Going from that mindset to desperately trying to find a job in a foreign country seems like a mindfuck.
On the other hand, maybe he got a job and thus no longer has time to comment here.
Jesus, 12+ hours a day… That is not healthy.
I hope he’s doing okay…
That’s awful. I hope he found something.
Moving and getting a job is difficult because other countries are likely to prioritize their own citizens over transplants.
he flew away
For your health
Forget squid, what happened to MargotRobbie?
She’s busy filming.
Serious answer: account probably got stale or tired of the joke?
He became British
There was a point a few weeks back where he said he was going to kill himself because he was feeling upset about his future in the UK for some reason and some other user had agreed to like, watch him do it, but then that person backed out. He was acting really weird, but kept up his commenting rate as normal.
Hopefully he’s just stepped away from this platform like someone said and hasn’t harmed himself.
Jesus! I really hope that didn’t happen or wasn’t a thing. The guy was open about an LGBTQ+ child and I really hope they didn’t/don’t have to endure losing their parent. I have a child as well and I would never want him to deal with losing a parent at a young age. It makes me sad.
It didn’t happen like that. It went down very differently.
Wow, fuck that other person. I can’t believe someone could be so heartless as to not only root for someone to kill themselves, but to vocally express a desire to watch it happen.
That is not at all what happened.
I saw recently (within the last three weeks or so) that they were blocked from posting on the World News or News communities in their mod log. Can’t remember which now because an entire decade has happened between now and then.
Hope they are OK.
There was a post in powertrippingbastards the other day that referenced him, though I don’t recall which. Some person mentioned an argument with them on discord/matrix and they chose to step away.
Interesting. I wouldn’t ever take an Internet forum or place like this and go so discord. That’s just inviting so many issues.
Thanks for the details!
I’m also taking the person at their word for it. Only squid knows, presumably, and isn’t around.
Absolutely fair point.
I thought at first it was 24 hours and I was like woa man. Sometimes folks have to take a break. But 24 days is long.
Yeah, agreed! Especially from someone that was here like all the time.
Dang hope hes ok
we are past 1,5°
this is something that is past my expectations, idk
They figured this place was just another liberal outreach program and moved on. Lots of folks are.
Not sure what to even make of this comment.
It turns out the far left also thinks “liberal” is an insult.
It is, they just use it to describe anyone left of center that they disagree with, and that’s bullshit
I mean, you look at Schumer, what do you think of the word? We need a new party.
Who said “Democrat”?
You’re not wrong, though.
Um yeah? Liberalism has always been a right wing ideology even if Americans misuse the term as a placeholder for progressive.
Oh no you found out. Time for you to move on
Way to make someone expressing concern about someone else instead about your politics
Why are you commenting lol. Just fucking leave drama queen lol
Lol good riddance.