It either spits out a weird canned message about how cool China is (yes, but not what I’m asking) or starts generating a response but then changes mid-sentence to “I can’t talk about that.” Anyone else experience this?
It either spits out a weird canned message about how cool China is (yes, but not what I’m asking) or starts generating a response but then changes mid-sentence to “I can’t talk about that.” Anyone else experience this?
LLMs have great use-case applications like erotically roleplaying with yourself or creating incredibly shit search engine summaries. That’s the beginning and the end of their application, though, and I reel when I consider that some people are putting in questions and taking the generated answers as any sort of truth.
Genuinely think it’s a huge problem that another generation down the line and “AI’s will lie to you” won’t be taken as common sense
Hopefully we will see improvements in architecture and alignment research long before LLMs reach a point of normality that is taken for granted. Right now, there seems to be a push to use LLMs as they are to cash in on investments, but they are far from a point for research to chill at.