I’m wondering what everyone else thinks is in our future as Canadians?
Do we think Trump is going to be stupid enough to try to invade Canada or redraw border lines?
Will the trade war continue for years or will Trump wuss out like last time?
We we continue to buy US products after they’ve now screwed us a second time?
I know I’m in the camp that whatever happens, I’m planning on completely excluding the USA from my life as much as possible.
I would view it as an escalation if the govt starts warming us up to getting rid of US media, content and platforms. We shouldn’t be mass importing their media, news, worldview as much as we do normally but now they are invaders - digital boycott is a real thing.
This is SUCH an important point. The biggest and most painful band aid that needs to be pulled off is the cultural one. Our collective cultural identity has been steadily, gradually eroded by the loud, brash braying that the asses to the south continually emit day in day out. If it’s not clear to us by now, Americants don’t view anyone outside of their bubble as real people, or anything beyond a thing to be exploited. A means to their end.
The crucial realization though is that they absolutely depend on the their cultural exports to validate and legitimize their global behavior. A product and service boycott is good. A global cultural boycott that utterly repudiates their entire way of life is what’s required though.
I am SO down for this. And I firmly believe Canadians need to excise the American invader cultural hegemony from ourselves. The boycott has to extend to digital services and cultural services. I was only signalling that if govt starts outright banning US media, while I personally would be fine with it, it’s likely a very bad sign of things to come (ie, an actual military invasion incoming).
Very true, and also a valid point. I think they’d have a hard time concealing their intent in advance, either through a hamfisted Freudian slippage (fucking QED amirite?) or just too much info too hard to hide. A truly effective surprise strike would come without warning, mid-whatever-reality-show the placated population is bringing on.
Getting off Facebook is one of the most important things we can do since it’s the largest spreader of misinformation.
Been off that for years.
Russia used weaponized its culture against its neighbors for generations… To the point here every country has a small but strong and vocal regime bootlicker culture.
Speaking American is high risk behavior
Sounds like some annoying reactionary factions in Canada as well
I would like to see Canadian cable TV replace (at least some) American channels with international ones from the other English speaking countries.
And delete Faux news entirely.
Yes, I know the number of homes with cable continues to shrink, but it’s still got a massive installed base.