The heck is going on over there, I haven’t seem beanis in like 2 months
They let their domain name expire as a bit. 😞
Top 10 pranks gone too far
Domain issues (apparently the domain name expired and someone put it up to bid, only to have it returned in some sort of deal). They’ve now decided whether to take a broad block list (essentially every instance allowed to enter into there, unless blocked) or a restrictive allow list (each instance has to be allowed)
I think they’ve made an allow-list and are now carefully refederating.
USAID cut a lot of programs
I never knew you Hexbear guys liked hats that much
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i miss hexbear so much, they’re taking too long to come back to us
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Srsly tho where the hex my bears at. Been too damn long! The most badass Lemmy in the fediverse sticking it to the man so of course people gonna try and shut it down but ain’t going out like that!
Yeah, hexbear pushes back against the lemmitor politics damn hard where many others like us would not tread (they make us look like moderates, when it comes to the posting)
i miss my libs so much