I see this and assume it’s fake. Then, my wife starts a job where they make her pay for her own background heck and drug test and tell her she will be charged $250 if she quits without a 2 week notice. How is any of that legal?!
It’s not legal.
Everything’s legal if the people don’t have the money for lawyers
I’m not disagreeing with you, but they seemed pretty adamant about it. They even said they’d send it to collections.
I’m in Pennsylvania which is a “right to work” state.
That doesn’t make it legal.
Call Labor & Industry (L&I) and file a worker complaint.
dude you live in the “fuck you” state.
did you know anytime you call a call center they have a special American based call center that’s DEDICATED to PA calls?
Out in pennsyltucky?
If I saw this I would either quit on the spot or call up my union.
I’d burn the place to the ground. I won’t put up with this, nor should anyone else.
No place that puts up this sign allows unions.
Would that be legal in the US?
They call it Right to Work. It’s truly anti union.
Depends on the state
104 vacation days
fine print: We reserve the right to force you to come in without additional pay if there is work to do.
“Sorry I haven’t been to work this month, I’m too sick to go to the doctor”
the only times i’ve ever been employed and made a livable wage while doing it was at a job with policies like this, and it was because I was basically the only employee they had ever found that could comply with such absurd expectations. You have to miss a day at some point sooner or later. Which is why I no longer work there. Was being able to have that one dentist appointment 6 years ago worth it? No it was not.
And that’s the day I quit.
fuck that, I’m gonna fuck shit up so bad with so many “mistakes” they’re gonna have to shutter the doors.
rm -rf /* mother fuckers!
Sometimes if you do a job badly enough they don’t ask you to do it anymore.
All things that are illegal in real countries
Based on the font of “Company Policies” and the fact that it’s an embossed metal (or shiny plastic) sign, I’m gonna assume this is a gag decoration. However, I wouldn’t be surprised about a company using this as inspiration…
Yeah, this is one of those damn fool things you see hanging in gift shops and other outlets of kitsch, unironically on display as if it’s still clever and nobody’s ever seen it before. Usually right along side the very similar plaque with the “Labor rates: If you watch / If you offer advice / If you help” canard, “Harley Davidson Parking Only,” “Complaint Department, Take a Number (Grenade),” and others of the same ilk.
I’ve seen the “labour rates” one in a few mechanic’s workshops.
Definitely more of a hint than a joke.
Isn’t this just standard US employment terms?
The only problem is generally you can’t count on having Sat/Sun off
Outside of hospitality? Is it that bad in the service industries too?
You expect people not to buy goods or expect services on the weekend, their only “free time” to run errands?
I live in a place where many shops are closed on Sundays and have reduced hours on Saturdays. The place where I was born is everything open all the time. It’s a cultural thing, also very dependent on how consumerist the country is
place i worked at had a 3 month stretch of mandatory overtime, so 6 days of working, then they added in sunday too for a couple weeks. never bothered to show up for any of them then left for a different job
No. Once you get into the more valued labor PTO and respect for time off becomes much easier to find.
What you’re saying is, that you’ll only accept that I’m sick if you genuinely hear absolutely nothing from me because I’m either dead or completely incapacitated, and then only show up later after recovering?
I can work with that.
deleted by creator
No you can’t work with that. Its, like, direkty examined in the sign!
“No one wants to work anymore”
No one ever wanted to work, but we all do what we have to, to survive. If working as your employee doesn’t allow me to survive, you can get fucked. lol
(Not you as in the person I am replying to but you know)
Sounds like someone has wasted their generational wealth and is getting desperate.
I have to hope that this is a joke sign.
I think it would be the only reason to make this sign. To be ironic.
Without a legitimate source I find this extremely hard to believe
No, I commute to work by ambulance
Once thing is true though, when I’m sick I’m too weak to go the doctor. That shouldn’t be a requirement
yep plus be forced to pay to be seen.