The absolutely wild spectacle of a sitting president using his office to film a car commercial aside, Trump is trying to sell EVs to people who he has already convinced to hate EVs. The people who buy Trump stuff think EVs are a liberal plot to turn everyone into gay communists.
He sold beans in the oval office last time he was president. The only surprise is that he didn’t do it earlier.
Didn’t forget that he also ordered the removal of all chargers from government property. Was that just 2 weeks ago maybe?
I won’t complain if he succeeds. His base is exactly the people hardest to convince to switch. If he can pivot them, I will accept them supporting Musk. Once the foot is in the door, they can start to geek out about motors and batteries and transition to a better EV.
Trump is trying to sell EVs to people who he has already convinced to hate EVs. The people who buy Trump stuff think EVs are a liberal plot to turn everyone into gay communists.
I have no doubt they’ve already added Tesla to their list of cognitive dissonances because Daddy Trump told them to. They have no real strong convictions beyond wanting to hurt minorities and loving Trump.
What a fucking clown show.
Brought to you by Carl’s Junior.
Fuck you, I’m eating!
Welcome to Carl’s Jr. Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO?
When did electric cars stop being
?Shortly before the “Nazi-style” salute.
I belive the offical wording is “wierd hand motion” and “heart going out to the crowd” because clearly none of us have eyes
Not related to the specific post but is it me or does american media treat literally everything as “Breaking News”
Like nothing about this is urgent you can wait until the evening news to talk about it. You’ll even have more information by then!
breaking doesn’t mean it can’t wait, it just means happening now
The biggest problem is that CNN and FoxNews are 24/7 “news” channels. So 99%+ of their air time is filler.
In this case, I didn’t really fault CNN though. This is the first time in history the White House has been sold as a car dealership, so I understand their use of the tag.
By call it “breaking” they can make up lies and then make a correction on the evening news that no one will pay attention to.
But what else are they going to out on their 24 hour news channel?
“fULL sElf DriViNg” 😂🤣
Unveiled in 2015…
Still doesn’t work
Elon is a 🤡
“All cars have self driving just needs to be turned on (fee)”
That was a surreal watch. The awkwardness could be cut with a knife. There is a moment where Trump pats Musk on the upper arm while reaching as far as he could, as if he was trying to keep his distances from him and you can clearly see Musk’s initial reaction was not favorable at all to the uninvited touch.
Disgusting people disgust each other
Jfc I didn’t realize how expensive those things are
It’s why Tesla makes a lot of money despite not actually having significant sales volume.
Electric cars are far, far simpler to manufacture the ice vehicles, but by positioning them as luxury vehicles he can try to sell a cheaper car made to the lowest spec at luxury prices, and because there wasn’t much comparison people haven’t known that the margin was just enormous.
They gave him a list of Tesla prices, and demanded that he read the list on live TV, but didn’t realize he can’t actually read.
This is all so unsurprising to me that this merely got a nod from me like “yeah, this is where we are”
It repeatedly says self-driving, which isn’t even true, especially in comparison to Waymo. It’s more like advanced collision awareness.
I heard People buy trump bible and sneakers, assuming they might be willing to buy Tesla now, despite it’s an ev?
Welcome to Spirit Methoween:
The circuses aren’t working.
And it doesn’t even work as an ad.