Correct ! Spiderman has a whole set coming later this year, along with Avatar : The Last Airbender and Final Fantasy. Also SpongeBob cards where revealed today 🙃
Well I was already a bit on edge about mtg but thinking just let them do their thing and I’ll peacefully ignore it. But SpongeBob… I might sell my cards I could use the funds anyway :/
Godzilla and…? Spider-man?
Correct ! Spiderman has a whole set coming later this year, along with Avatar : The Last Airbender and Final Fantasy. Also SpongeBob cards where revealed today 🙃
Well I was already a bit on edge about mtg but thinking just let them do their thing and I’ll peacefully ignore it. But SpongeBob… I might sell my cards I could use the funds anyway :/
The Spongebob cards we’ve seen so far are just UB makeovers of existing cards. You can just think of them as silly alters.
Can I play a wumbo spell on my creature?
Is mayonnaise an artifact?
The machinations of my strategic plays are an enigma.