Cake. Orange cake.
I once made borscht. That is a labour of love I’ll never go through again. I also made a hot chocolate layer cake, including making the marshmallows, and that was a lot of work.
Pressing the water out, marinating for hours, then cooking properly so it’s delicious and not a rubbery mess is just too much hassle.
I rarely even marinate my tofu, and have never really had issues with it getting rubbery, but the hassle of pressing the water out is enough of a deterrent for me. I’ve considered buying a tofu presser, but I have a small kitchen, so I don’t really like owning such specialized tools.
Lamb Vindaloo.
God I wanna be good at making that. And veggie samosas
I like to do a bunch of baking for the holidays, and usually do a mix of easy/familiar recipes, plus some new/challenging recipes. I made caramels, and while I was pretty happy with them, I never heard one person comment on them, and they were a lot of effort compared to things like chocolate chip cookies, so I’ve never made them again.
Edit: Another is pumpkin pie from fresh pumpkins. I’ve done it, it’s not that difficult, but it’s also not any cheaper or better tasting than just buying good canned pumpkin.
Croissants - 3 days prep time minimum? You have to be very precise with everything and it’s just such a bother.
It’s honestly not hard at all.
Do you have a reliable starter recipe?
Beef Wellington.
I was thinking about making this to surprise ans impress my wife. Watched a video on how to make it and decided that there are easier ways to impress her.
I made one for new years and while there are alot of steps, but the steps themselves are very doable. I prepped mine the day before and just had to cook in the oven on the day.
a *lot of steps
Cooking in general
Soup dumplings. The broth for the soup has to be make in a specific way to solidify and I think there’s also a complex method of incorporating the soup into the meat and veggies in the dumplings. It’s just a very time consuming process all around. It’s sucks tho because I love soup dumplings and being able to make a huge portion of them would be amazing.
It’s not that hard to get the stock to solidify. You just need to reduce it enough and pop it in the fridge.
You’re right. I must’ve been thinking about something else lol
Homemade pizza. Making the dough creates a mess and requires delicate manual labor in several steps at precise times over more than 24 hours. Looks great on YouTube but that’s just not me.
Edit: thanks for the suggestions, guys. Who knows, maybe one day… 😉
A middle ground I do often is buy frozen pizzas and then add my own extra toppings. They’re usually so cheap and skimp anyhow that I look at it like buying a starter pizza shell.
That’s what I always do since there are decent options available nowadays.
It takes me an hour to make pizza from scratch at home. I’ll grant it’s messy but it’s pretty easy!
- Prepare dough following steps 1-8 in the dough recipe above
- While your dough is rising, prepare the pizza sauce
- Liberally dust your pizza peel with corn meal (use more than you think you need!)
- Transfer the rolled-out dough onto the pizza peel and pinch the edges to form a crust
- Assemble and cook the pizza following steps 10-12 in the dough recipe above. I tend to use about 1/2 cup of pizza sauce, 4oz grated mozzarella, fresh basil leaves, and pepperoni, but the sky’s the limit really
- Enjoy!
Well it depends on what you want to achieve. Because there is also the oven, which os important, and your ingredient.
I love making pizza since I was a teenager and I learned slowly. Internet was great for learning cold fermentation or about different type of pizza.
But you can make a decent pizza quite easily.
Maybe try focaccia first it’s super fun. This is the recipe I use.
A ceramic stone in the oven has been a gamechanger for my pizzas.
Yep, if you make pizza in a home oven it’s really important to have a stone plate.
I really like my lodge cast-iron one, but when I’ve used stones they seem to work just as well for New Haven style
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It’s a ham sandwich. If you can pick your nose up can make a passable bechemal
Ramen. Like true, 14+ hrs of effort tonkotsu broth.
It’s been a dream of mine for a long time, but fuck is that a long time.
It’s not 14 hours of effort. It’s 14 hours of letting shit boil.
I highly recommend getting slow cooker if you don’t have one. You can do stocks and broths without having to keep an eye on them. I let my bone broths go for two days.
I bet there’s a few Instant Pot recipes, too.
As much as I love barbecue I don’t and won’t own a smoker.
I have made some fussy dishes, including sourdough puff pastry. I’m pretty motivated to make food homemade.
Baklava is the one I’d like to make but never will, even if I bought the dough - layering phyllo sheets one by one would kill me.