Assume that this is not a wannabee, but someone who, for example, already has a solid job offer from an EU country, and some cash for the relocation.

  • I see people enter with left signal flashing and then they’ll take the 3rd exit (out of 4 total).

    Pretty sure that’s how you’re supposed to signal. In most places it’s not a legal requirement but it is recommended and taught by most driving instructors.

    Although I do assume they switch to their right signal before taking their exit. If they don’t, then yeah that’s wrong.

      4 hours ago

      I didn’t describe it correctly. I see people approaching the roundabout with their left signal on, leave it on until they take the 3rd exit. I’ll also see approaching with their eight signal on and take the 1st exit. The intersection used to be a standard perpendicular intersection with traffic lights.

      It sounds as if you’re saying to signal left on approach indicating a merge, then signal right to indicate an exit from the circle. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen that in action.