I’ve downloaded Here WeGo maps, but I’ve noticed that the app lacks a review system. Additionally, the detail level for most places is quite poor.
Which Google Maps alternative is your favorite?
Update: Here We go Maps started showing again TripAdvisor reviews. I know TripAdvisor is American, but it’s better than not having reviews for me, and the maps are EU.
I’m afraid most maps alternatives don’t have a review system or when they have it’s lacking reviews due to small user bases. OsmAnd had a plugin some time ago for some open review site but that stop working.
I’m using OrganicMaps and OsmAnd depending on the task, both based on openstreetmaps but neither have reviews.
HERE WeGo uses TripAdvisor, that’s alright.
Are you sure? I don’t see reviews anymore. But I think I saw them a couple of days ago, then yesterday I checked and they’re disappeared