So far, here’s my list:
- Brad the Guitologist: went crazy
- Rick Beato: abusive to his kid
- AvE: Canadian Trumper
- Gavin McInnes: leader of the Proud Boys
Others I found that I’d like some backstory on:
- boogie2988
- Jack Doherty
- All the Paul’s (Jake, Logan etc…) no backstory needed here. Fuck Jake Paul!
- SSSniperwolf
- masteroogway
- YouTube kids channels
- Cody Kos
- Lankybox
- Speed mcqueen
beast wouldve been cancelled if there wernt so many hatewatchers wierdly defending and hating it at the same time, mr beast was definitely scared at the time with the KSI controversy/lunchly.
Youtube kids channels is a wierd one, i assume something like family vlogs? those always end with abuse and criminal neglect. and the other is some of the channels targeting kids was so bizarre youtube had to shut most of them down. not a large channel: a niche small one if anyone watched these asian yotubers, they are currently almost cancelled but is on life support by incels. basically they bullied a female employee and then terminating her, and she told her side of the story then people started to support her, then one of thier channels lackey" released his own video about her and would not correct the misinformation" more people turned against the channel and they lost a ton of revenue. for the past 2 years they have been living off of grifting from incels, because they turned right wing and they constantly thirsts for trump.
part 2: the channel owners decided to attack her character which caused some sides to believe in the lies. as another former fan uploaded thier shady behaviour of the previous employees they mistreated , made them look worst. thier msyogyny drove all the woman away from thier channel, except 1, and they brought in a eye candy just for the views. apparently also one of thier frequent guest a right wing peddler from the south who has been criticized as the sole reason for thier channels decline, and have been involved with racist videos with shane dawson and that drove all the AA guest away. they had a black guest/employee whom they bullied and treated as a token.
they started scouring social media to shut down any criticisms like they did before that would drive away more viewers, from showing the truth. they had take down 1-2 subreddits about thier channel, and the main sub is currently still be trolled by thier “fans”. thier current audience is incels: mostly asian and middle eastern men, and parasocial female fans. it was so cringe because they were desperate enough to bring in a female fan from australia to the channel.(and they have 2 on thier channel brigading any comments). this all from the sub which reports the channels activities. also made worst the fact thier channel has been stagnant for like 10+years prior to this, and they were already declining for quite some time, but instead of trying amicably solve thier employee situation, they made it worst.
and they started shifted heavily to the right as a overcompensation to thier treatment against the female employees, by extension all the females that were ever on the channel had felt their wrath.
PEWPEWDIE allegedly left, because he retired from youtube, everyone know it was some controversy he had like 5+years ago, people think he retired on his own volition. but he recently came back, and trying to lowkey still try to get a following