This is a real good murder mystery with some cool plot twists, pretty right-on for classic film noir, both in style and era. Definitely worth a deeper dive when I figure out my Imgur-alternative.
Hervé Bourhis (writer) and Lucas Varela (artist) are the excellent creative team.
EDIT: Welp, this post originally started in frustrating fashion, some of it due to the scheduling tool breaking down repeatedly, and some more of it due to the recent death of my friend and neighbor “Cal,” who I’d previously mentioned here in October, when he was in the hospital. Let’s just say those were some rough days for me, and I apologise for the creative swearing, i.e. “&*(%!@#.”
Ah well, moving on…
Hey, thanks for the sampler! For some reason the images didn’t auto-open for me, but I was able to look at the source and see them. (and yes, they seemed correctly formatted)
I loved Longest Day of the Future and Human, but hadn’t read the last two. Something to look forward to…