It’s supposed to be read as “No, stupid. Questions?” but lemmingtorz suck at punctuation.
Should have posted this in nostupidquestions.
you are supposed to respond “no” to the stupid questions
it’s right in the title!11!!1!1!
no, stupid questions!
why is it called “shittyasklemmy” when people keep posting non-scatological questions?
sry I will promote you to mod
Questions aren’t stupid. Person asking such questions is. 😇
The long form of that community name would be “there are no questions too stupid that you can’t ask them here”. I get that the short form seems like it could be interpreted to mean the opposite of that. But it’s a common phrase that has over time slowly shortened to that, while retaining the original meaning. And of course, the only way to know that… is to know that. So, now you do know that, and anyone else that saw the explanation this time. Next week, it’ll be a different set of people that see it. But not entirely different, there will likely be some overlap.
Damn, this question isn’t shitty enough to be here, it belongs in no stupid questions.
Jokes aside, I think you may actually be asking something indirectly.
The original sub, and the lemmy version, are, in general, the place to ask stupid questions. Or questions nowhere else is set up to answer.
But holy fuck, they do get some questions that almost have to be jokes because my rooster isn’t that stupid, and he’ll hump my crocs.
The internet needs that kind of forum. There’s gotta be places where no matter how ignorant you are, how moronic you may be, someone can see your question and help you be a little less so. No shame, no hate, just the best answers randos will give.
Mind you, there’s still the occasional one that’s just so far into empty headed fuckery that they don’t deserve an answer. There was one like that just a little while ago.
A while ago I responded to one that had to be a troll with a copypasta. But I ended up deleting the comment, because I guess there’s just a sliver of chance.
It’s completely off-topic, but since you mentioned your rooster: how are your feathered cats going?
Oh lordy!
The drama!
I’m not sure what you last ran across, I missed the casualconversation post for this week.
But we have had three days of absurdity.
Friday, we had a bantam rooster pay us a visit from a neighbor’s yard. Luckily, this was while our rooster was inside getting scritches with me, so it didn’t get hammered.
But this little bugger was hot for our volunteer hen, who we suspect came from the same place; they’re both bantam sized.
This little guy was flying just above ground level, trying to corner her for some hot lovin. She was not having any of it. So she’s up where our rooster usually is, in an old window planter outside my dad’s window, scratching and raising cain because her thwarted lover was determined.
It took some doing, since any time we’d get close to where she was, she’d run off, and the chase was on, but we finally got the bantam rooster caught and chilled out inside the house. My kid had him tucked under an arm while we got the other birds settled in for the night.
So, we put the bantam in a pet carrier while I called around, and he’s in there singing the song of his people. Which was adorable. Bantam crows are just ridiculously cute. As he settled down, and we gave him some bugs and biscuits, it turned into happy chicken tuk-tuks, only cuter.
My wife and dad head around to the house we know damn good and well the bantam was from, but they denied having any ability to speak english (despite me and them having had conversations in english which included how bad my Spanish is), and just kept saying no.
So, she brings him back, and he is our guest for the night. He’s next to our marans, who is roughly twice his mass, and several inches taller, and he’s making love noises at her until we put a light sheet over the carrier.
Next morning, he has decided that his love will not be denied and is serenading her with cock-a-doodle-graaawks, because he can’t crow right. It’s adorable, but loud. Which has the hen scolding him at the top of her voice.
None of us were ready for action, so out on the back porch he goes, where our rooster is in his crate because temps and weather were brutal that night. They proceeded to spend the next hour filling the house and general vicinity with their dueling bawks and crows.
So, I get myself ready, make sure the little guy has a nice meal on top of whatever he ate in the night, and take a little drive.
He’s not happy with car rides. Can’t say I blame him, not with it all being a new thing to him, after all the craziness.
I take him home, knock on the door, and I nobody is home. I know damn good and well that’s where he’s from because their other bantams are right there at the fence in the front, and little man is telling them what a mighty rooster he is.
So, I get him out, tuck him under my arm and help him over the fence, where he immediately sets about humping the daylights out of anything slower than him.
Since then, he and our rooster are frenemies. They’ll stand on opposite sides of the fence and act like fools for a few hours until food or sex calls one of them away.
The bantam hen now refuses to go to that corner of the yard, and leaps into the nearest tree any time she hears him rustling the brush on his side.
Our marans scolds everyone involved, of course, because a proper french lady like her is too good for those sorts.
But big boy? He’s happy as a pig in slops because the bantam usually gives up first, so he’s now the cock of the walk in his head.
He’ll come ruuuuuuning up to me, wings out like Naruto, and jump into my arms, just gobbling and burbling. Then he jumps down and humps my shoes. He’s a crocusexual. It’s like a toddler home from a play date, having to tell dad all about it. Well, except the humping.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a big chicken running full out, but if you haven’t, you gotta hit YouTube and see it. I’d try and film it, but the jumping part makes it difficult, and I’m kinda paranoid about showing my house and yard anyway.
So, I would say they’re in fine fettle.
Oh! The marans, my little baby girl, was in a super sweet mood tonight. I was distracted talking to my wife, and started petting her. The hen, not my wife. Not only did I not draw back a nub, she purred for me. She’s nicely normally very firmly in the look, no touch camp. She loves snuggles and cuddles, but not being petted usually. But she was all into it this time. Eyes closed, neck stretched out, wings loose and droopy, just doing that sweet little purr. She hasn’t been that into a petting since she was still an itty bitty long chick that went around pew-pewing.
I love your chicken stories; the way you tell them is great, not just the events. The last one I ran across, you were struggling because your rooster wanted to be held but you got some back pain.
I can even picture the whole thing:
- Bantam rooster: “I wanted lovin’ and adventure. At least I got some adventure! And food.”
- Bantam hen: “Oh no. Oh no no no. I know that creepo. I don’t know what he’s doing here but I’ll be chilling away from him.”
- Marans hen: “…eeeew.” [inserts long rant on how the Bantam rooster sucks.]
- Your rooster: “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! INVADER DEFEATED! I’M THE KING OF THE PLACE! Eh, who cares about chickens, my true waifu is the crocs.”
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a big chicken running full out, but if you haven’t, you gotta hit YouTube and see it. I’d try and film it, but the jumping part makes it difficult, and I’m kinda paranoid about showing my house and yard anyway.
I’ve seen it a few times in my childhood - got some relatives in the countryside. They raised mostly pigs, but they also got a dozen free range chickens for their own consumption. My cousin would ring a bell every time before feeding them, so when they heard that bell they would go ballistics towards the house.
Oh man, I think you nailed the personalities lol
I’m glad you’ve experienced the ludicrous joy of chickens running. It is a singular thing to see.
The idea is for anyone to get to air out their lack of understanding or lay out what they feel they might be ignorant about without judgement since their intent is to become less ignorant and more informed about some gap in their learning or understanding of whatever they’re asking about
Yeah, but by posting there they know that their questions are stupid but they ask anyway.
Ah i get it, they’re parsing it as “No stupid [fucking] questions {allowed here}” as opposed to “we dont consider any question stupid so ask and we’ll answer without passing judgement”