, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the criticall...
Canonically, Venom can sneak up on Spider-Man because he once wore the symbiote and now Venom doesn’t trigger his Spider-Sense. Venom doesn’t have a Spider-Sense, but he can see in 360° all around him. That gives him an edge over Peter, but in this trailer we see Miles sneak up on Venom with his camouflage. That’s pretty cool that they find ways to highlight that Peter and Miles can cover each other’s blind spots like that.
Not yet. He did not wear it in the first game. Based on the gameplay video they put out, Peter does wear the symbiote suit in Spider-Man 2, but we don’t know the order of events (does he have it before Venom? After?).
Canonically, Venom can sneak up on Spider-Man because he once wore the symbiote and now Venom doesn’t trigger his Spider-Sense. Venom doesn’t have a Spider-Sense, but he can see in 360° all around him. That gives him an edge over Peter, but in this trailer we see Miles sneak up on Venom with his camouflage. That’s pretty cool that they find ways to highlight that Peter and Miles can cover each other’s blind spots like that.
Only played Spiderman and not Miles Morales… Has this Peter used a symbiote suit? Or will that happen on this game too?
Not yet. He did not wear it in the first game. Based on the gameplay video they put out, Peter does wear the symbiote suit in Spider-Man 2, but we don’t know the order of events (does he have it before Venom? After?).
Has there been an interation where it doesnt go to Peter first?
Not that I’m aware of. In every version I’ve seen/read, Peter has it first.
The venom movies would like a word. But we don’t talk about those.
Point taken
lol I straight-up forgot about those for a minute.
It hasn’t happened yet
That’s a really great observation! I hope they touch on that in the game.