this one is actually one of my favorite memes. It’s up there with the “oh youre into pronouns? how about you let me she/them titties” Mario voice acted one
this one is actually one of my favorite memes. It’s up there with the “oh youre into pronouns? how about you let me she/them titties” Mario voice acted one
means you can refer to the person as she, or as they.
Could be used by transfems, cisfemmes, enbys, anyone who’s ok with being referred to as she or they when talking about 'em in the third person
I thought it was the word supposed to be the possessive. As in “her car”.
Why does she/her use two words for female denunciation, is there a difference?
Nah, English is just weird.
“I ate her apple while looking at her and she was mad” / “i ate their apple while looking at them and they were mad” are essentially the same sentence when you think about it. One just has specific gender markers attached, and some people don’t like that
Yeah but 'they" already refers to ungendered. So my question is: why are there two pronouns instead of one.
Ok, complex idea boiled down to cliff notes: normalisation.
I’m cisfem, but if someone who doesn’t know me refers to me as they, i’m fine with it. I’m not a they, but allowing this habit opens the door a bit more for someone who is.