The unfunny joke is that I would do exactly what every other cult leader does. There is a reason cults are the way they are because that is what works. If you make it about comunism the cia kills you. If you don’t let people do sex crimes in it they start their own offshoot.
That being said, that cults seem to be made by the combination of freedom from capital restraints and the fawn responce to trauma. You would think you could get a selective breeding program out of it. Just get a little weird for fun you know. Make an actually DnD party.
The unfunny joke is that I would do exactly what every other cult leader does. There is a reason cults are the way they are because that is what works. If you make it about comunism the cia kills you. If you don’t let people do sex crimes in it they start their own offshoot.
That being said, that cults seem to be made by the combination of freedom from capital restraints and the fawn responce to trauma. You would think you could get a selective breeding program out of it. Just get a little weird for fun you know. Make an actually DnD party.