I never got why they think these are curse words. Is it a weird religious thing?

    • picklemeister [she/her]@hexbear.net
      22 days ago

      i never really noticed or cared but now i had to look it up

      PG is the lowest rating that allows profanity (usually mild); G formerly allowed very mild terms like “damn” and “hell.” Use of words such as “sht," "btch,” “bastard,” and “ass” are allowed but they will not be persistent or aggressive. Examples of recent PG films that contain moderate profanity include The Long Game, You Gotta Believe and Piece by Piece. Strong, sexual words like “fk," "ct,” and “c**ksucker” are not allowed.

      Racial slurs like the N-word are allowed to be used, but only in an educational or historical context (e.g. Disney’s Glory Road). Any other use will get at least a PG-13.

      One unique case of profanity is The Transformers: The Movie, when Spike says, “Oh sh*t! What are we going to do now?” (but the particular word is permissible at PG). A few PG rated films up until the '80s included usage of “f**k,” most notably Spaceballs, All the President’s Men, and Sixteen Candles, which came out in 1984.