i am so sorry please don’t kill me please i feel like i have said something wrong i have retracted the upvote from my own comment so that your opinion gets seen more sorry sorry sorry
i am just having a bad month, feel free to dm me every single insult towards me i deserve it i deserve everything bad in this world i deserve what happened to me
if i could upvote your comment 50 times i would’ve already made my message vanish frkm existence because my own life doesn’t matter
okay but a hexbear cube 2: sauerbraten game night would go hard (sexual style)
Go ooooooonnnnnn…
we got assaultcube reloaded tho
regular assaultcube then sorry
i am so sorry please don’t kill me please i feel like i have said something wrong i have retracted the upvote from my own comment so that your opinion gets seen more sorry sorry sorry
i am just having a bad month, feel free to dm me every single insult towards me i deserve it i deserve everything bad in this world i deserve what happened to me
if i could upvote your comment 50 times i would’ve already made my message vanish frkm existence because my own life doesn’t matter
you’re all good comrade I was just jesting in a mean way since I’m unfortunately irony poisoned, all cubes are good cubes
hope your month gets better
i am really bad at detecting irony, i need a metaphorical metal detector but that does not exist lmao
thanks for the kind words esoteir, all cubes are good cubes. even luanti!