“I noticed that the cheaper homes for rent, you would find them on the outskirts of the big city in remote areas,” she says.
“You can’t go and eat because they close at four, and then they don’t open again until eight, nine o’clock at night,” she adds.
“Out in the country. Some houses and apartments can be in a town that is not that good. It may not have that many services. So it just depends.
“The other thing that really bothered me about them over there (was) their way of living and their way of doing things,” she says.
While Cristina didn’t necessarily have strong opinions about Spanish food before moving there, she grew to dislike it, finding it to be largely “fried, greasy and unhealthy.”
“After a while, I got really tired and grossed out with the Spaniard food,” she says, noting that there’s a little “more variety” in bigger cities such as Madrid and Barcelona.
She found herself aching for the convenience she was used to back in Miami, as well as her friends and family.
“The convenience of everything being open,” she says. “Going to the supermarket or going to a regular pharmacy and finding everything that you need.”
“And I’m not going to tell you that the United States is the perfect country. It’s not. But we have more things going for us here than over there.
“I would have stayed over there if they had a different way of living.”
lol floridian cuban gusano worried about squatters in spain should they buy a second home this is too good it almost feels like a bit.
There’s been copious amounts of anti-squatter propaganda in Spanish media for the past 5 years, to the point of the main house-alarm company rising its revenue by like 400% (securitas direct, look it up). It’s just one more case of the right wing making up shit to hate on poor people and minorities (primarily Roma people and north-african immigrants).
It’s especially disgusting because journalists from the private TV stations will interview “random neighbours” who consistently turn out to be members of the far-right party Vox, blatant manipulation by agreeing to interviews with fascists and passing them as street interviews. When the national TV station interviews neighbours, funnily enough they’re mostly in favour of squatters, because the “movimiento Okupa” (squatter culture) in Spain is super progressive and they end up organising cool stuff like free concerts, mutual aid, and all sorts of cultural events.