This is going to be the most boomer thing I say but I think using computer speak for non-computer things should be punishable by death.
Calling a real life thing a cheat code or hack makes me cringe every time.
Life is just a video game where you’re trying to collect the most amount of gold rings before the timer runs out
What if it’s in service of beating the bosses?
Life hack!
LiFe HaCk!!! you are HACKING LIFE!!! pew pew pew!!
His 3 Tools for Building Massive Wealth:
- Steal it from the proles
- Rely on your generational wealth
- Have an actual skill (optional)
Have an actual skill (optional)
He didn’t say you had to make it lol. It’s more like IP (see #1)
“Infinite growth” is still the thing that blows my mind. Like, dude: the idea of infinity is that its not possible to attain and is more helpful in explaining concepts. Capitalism treats infinite as if its something that can actually need attained, and then they just blow through all resources to get there.
It’s a lot easier to think of “growth” as their religious mantra. In actuality, most of them aren’t looking to grow forever, but rather to pawn their business off to a different idiot. It’s honestly really cool how most of the Western world’s economies operate on “bigger sucker” syndrome, where you’re constantly looking for a bigger idiot than you who is willing to pay more for your asset than you paid for it yourself.
Death to LinkkkedIn
By ”shatter that 1:1 ration of more effort = more results” he means that if you’re a rich person, you can make a lot of money without any effort. Yeah, we already knew that.
On top of everything about else I hate about LinkedIn posts, that
One sentence.
On one line.
shit is aggravating.
We knew that, but a lot of people on LinkedIn don’t
Reminds me of how I used to write on IRC lol
Literally “You’re poor? Have you ever tried…like…just having stuff?”
Yo dawg I started a startup where you can find startups.
For a second I read Linkedin Bros like Venture Bros
linkedin poster who just discovered profit: yoooooo did you know you could purchase commodities then sell them for more than you paid?! ive discovered infinite wealth
Naval gazing
Like navel gazing, but from a ship.