Language matters.

The President is empowered by a Congress controlled by a narrow majority. Rather than the individual they have chosen, I am pissed at the Republican party. And disappointed in the American people. The guy? He was always that way and would have continued to be so at a safe distance from the levers of power without his enablers.

It is the American and especially Republican relationship with Canada that is important in this situation. Those are what endure, that person is only momentarily significant. So, where we can choose the narrative, I think that’s important to focus on.

Plus I suspect he likes the sound of his own name.

  • Pup
    1 month ago

    yeah: that’s what i’m saying… america is basically the place that the entire anglosphere and plenty beyond that get like 99% of our modern entertainment

    it’s a huge industry that basically only the US has… so quit cooperating with copyright stuff… the world has bent over and taken copyright law from the US for far too long: their definition fucking blows, and is counter to the common good

    so fuck em - tariff the shit out of it, and people will just pirate it… we learned in australia that if you don’t release content, or make it hard to access people don’t just not consume it… australia is one of the biggest pirates in the world because in the early internet days with region locking nothing was available here… we still watched it; we just didn’t pay for it

    to this day (IANAL) piracy in australia is LEGAL: its legal to download, but not to share pirated content - torrents are out, but usenet is 100% fine

    once the entertainment industry realizes that oh fuck their position globally is in jeopardy (if canada were to do this, it shows the rest of the world a next step) then they’ll be pretty pissed