I think we will get some “break throughs” in Quantum Computing that Google execs will assure us makes their company worth five trillion dollars.
I think we will get some “break throughs” in Quantum Computing that Google execs will assure us makes their company worth five trillion dollars.
Yea agreed about self driving cars. It’s taking a lot longer than people anticipated 10-15 years ago but Waymo has been making steady progress and expanding
I’m honestly still baffled why that even became a thing. just a single look at shitty state of infrastructure and intensity of traffic in basically every capitalist country should rather cause sneering laughter than serious tries.
it’s an opportunity to be the company that owns all the cars and rents them out to everybody on a per minute basis. Don’t need to pay human drivers and because they can communicate and flock you can fit more on the road.
It’s either self-driving EVs or they finally admit trains are the only real solution. But no they’d rather just dig tunnels for Mr Musks Wild Ride.