The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) rescinded a memo Wednesday that had ordered a “temporary pause” on federal funding and unleashed major confusion across the country.
Why it matters: It’s an astonishing reversal by the Trump administration, a day after top officials defended the funding freeze — which a judge temporarily halted on Tuesday — as necessary to ensure all government spending was aligned with the president’s vision.
Okay, there’s one (well more than one) problem with this: America ain’t anywhere near rock bottom, and Trump won’t get it anywhere near rock bottom. If you want to know what rock bottom looks like on a country-wide scale look up developing countries in central Africa or pre-war Syria. If y’all don’t manage to put a stop to the American downward slide you’ll find yourselves in free fall towards the third world. And no I don’t mean the “America is a third world country” third world; I’m talking about the actual, ruled-by-military-dictatorships third world.