Link, text of the article below with me highlighting the only important bit.
NEW YORK, Jan 25 (Reuters) - The Central Intelligence Agency has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic is “more likely” to have emerged from a lab rather than from nature, an agency spokesperson said on Saturday.
The agency had for years said it could not conclude whether COVID-19 was the result of a lab incident or it originated in nature. But in the final weeks of the Biden administration, former CIA Director William Burns asked CIA analysts and scientists to make a clear determination, stressing the pandemic’s historical significance, according to a senior U.S. official.
The CIA says it has “low confidence” in its assessment that a “research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely” and notes in its statement that both scenarios - lab origin and natural origin - remain plausible.
The Chinese embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment. It was unclear the extent to which the agency has collected new intelligence on COVID-19’s origins and whether that new evidence was used to formulate the latest assessment.
China’s government says it supports and has taken part in research to determine COVID-19’s origin, and has accused Washington of politicizing the matter, especially because of efforts by U.S. intelligence agencies to investigate.
Beijing has said claims that a laboratory leak likely caused the pandemic have no credibility. In an interview with Breitbart following his confirmation by the U.S. Senate on Friday, CIA Director John Ratcliffe said one of his first priorities was getting his agency to make a public assessment on the pandemic’s origins.
“That’s a day-one thing for me," he said. “I’ve been on record as you know in saying I think our intelligence, our science, and our common sense all really dictate that the origins of COVID was a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
NEW YORK, Jan 25 (Reuters) - The Central Intelligence Agency has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic is “more likely” to have emerged from a lab rather than from nature, an agency spokesperson said on Saturday.
yeah, and that lab is in Maryland
Fort Detrick moment
Has there ever been any further info about this incident?
Fort Detrick is home to the military’s flagship biological defense laboratory and several federal civilian biodefense labs. About 10,000 military personnel and civilians work on the base, which encompasses about 1,300 acres (526 hectares) in the city of Frederick.
Woldesenbet lived at an apartment building in Frederick, a few miles from the site of the shooting. Police cordoned off the apartment on Tuesday afternoon and a neighbor reported seeing officials escorting his wife and children from the building.
Authorities haven’t disclosed a possible motive for the shooting, which took place at a warehouse rented by the Naval Medical Research Center, Biological Defense Research Directorate to store research supplies and equipment. The facility is located in the Riverside Tech Park, an office park several miles from the base.
I’ve kinda gotten used to the US being full of random violence and people suddenly breaking under psychic pressure and a frothing fascist culture, going out guns blazing. What is the especially suspicious thing about this corpsman shooting someone?
I’m not trying to be cheeky and I’m sorry I don’t see what it is. I’d like to.Mostly that he worked at this lab that had a history of safety issues with engineered bio weapons. Also he didn’t shoot any seemingly random people, only other personnel at this remote site. Then he drove to the base where he was killed by the police. Could just be more US mil stochastic terrorism, sure. I’m just used to seeing more info come out about mass shooters over time, and that never seems to have happened in this case. Even though there is mention of “stacks of papers” by the investigators.
“We’re still trying to sort through stacks of paper … to figure out exactly what the motive would be,” Frederick Police Lt. Andrew Alcorn said Tuesday.
Lt. Col. Gregory Jackson, the Army base’s chaplain, said in a Facebook post that the shootings leave a lasting mark on the Fort Detrick community “with a lot of questions, and the biggest will be why?”
“Why did this person choose to do what he did?” he asked. “I wish we had answers to these questions, but, we don’t always know the reason.”
Any mil shooter at a mil base usually gets a full PTSD apologia cycle in the news media at a minimum. Sus by the omission in my view.
Yeah that is sus, thanks for the explanation
is cia scientists now?
In an interview with Breitbart
thank you thomas reuters for this sterling journalism
I was expecting New Tang Dynasty to pop up as another source after that Breitbart line
Definitely not Falun Gong
There are two wolves inside the American conservative
Wolf #1: Covid is completely harmless and/or fake you just need to eat healthy(raw meat) and take your ivermectin or whatever the fuck
For your sanity and mine, assume a natural origin for covid.
Now, for those who don’t remember or missed it,
Reguardless of natural or man-made, COVID did not originate in Wuhan, China!
A hospital in Italy went and looked at frozen lung samples from autumn of 2019, and found COVID-19 antibodies in them. Summer of 2019, the US was experiencing a wave of unidentified respiratory illnesses across elder car facilities, as well as a “vape related illness”. This. Thing. Did. NOT. Start. In. China. They were just the first to isolate, identify, and confirm the virus!
Investigate Fort Detrick! Or at least that’s the one I think is the one people say could have originated COVID 19. Lots of “vape-related respiratory illness”. I’m sure someone has a good
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I feel like China would be pushing this if this was the case, no?
I understand that the theory floated around Chinese media in the early days of the pandemic but I’ve not seen anything recently.
I feel like China would be pushing this if this was the case, no?
China don’t have the custom of loudly and publicly debunking every single US bullshit propaganda (actually, basically none of them). USSR did the same, which sadly resulted in a lot of the nonsense becoming not only dominant but only or nearly only narrative, like Katyń for example.
It would also be easy to identify in the sequencing data because mutations happen at a contestant and predictable rate. That makes it easy to trace the lineage of a virus. Given that every strain we know of originated from the initial sequences isolated in Wuhan, the idea that the pandemic started elsewhere is just nonsense.
A hospital in Italy went and looked at frozen lung samples from autumn of 2019
I looked for this study, and I think I found it, but it used samples from confirmed COVID-19 deaths from 2020.
According to the CIA, that itch on your balls likely to come from a lab in China.
Havana syndrome is so last cycle
It’s all Beijing syndrome now
I mean, let’s say it did come from a lab. That means if you release a disease to the American public, their government will literally let their citizens die en masse before trying to actually combat it.
Add the anti-vax hysteria and the next pandemic is gonna kill twice the amount of people. Who knows man, maybe the American bourgeois want to kill the workers en masse so they can replace them with AI with little fuss
Gargalmel says COVID-19 ‘more likely’ to have come from the Smurfs
You know it was CIA propaganda when the two of the biggest “China blogger” YouTubers, Laowhy86 and Serpentza, went so hard on it. Those fools are both so obviously on payroll they may as well show you the checks.
SSerpentza and Laoweiner88
turning a big dial taht says “Sinophobia” on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right
Low confidence
Rumsfeld - Intelligence is not fact
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Fuck the CIA. They lie constantly. And people lie about them constantly, too. Strange, that.
I’m sorry I’m not picking up what you’re putting down. What point are you making here?
If covid was a lab leak then we really fucked up by not taking it seriously then, didn’t we?
Like how is this not copping to a self-own
Realistically this is a disease that epidemiologists predicted would happen. Like they didn’t know which one they just knew something was like was inevitable. However with the intensity we are pushing this propaganda I now assume it came from one of our military labs. We probably selectively bread an otherwise normal cold virus into a super killing machine just to see if we could. That behavior isn’t actually uncommon and there are valid scie.tific reasons for trying. Then somebody forgot to wash his hands after some stupid thing and then covid.
Yeah let’s trust the experts in Havana syndrome to tell epidemiologists how diseases work. That will end well.
Brought to you by people who think Saddam had WMD
Update your sinophobic propaganda, CIA. It’s 2025. Americans don’t give a fuck about covid.