In the dream I was Jerma and I was doing a stream and I was getting really unreasonabley mad at the chat because one of them said I had a dumpy and I was screaming at them like “OH OK WELL SHOW US YOUR ASS THEN” over and over in a heavy Brooklyn accent. I then woke up covered in sweat.

  • Gorb [they/them]
    2 months ago

    I had a dream where i woke up in an empty meeting room on the poop chair. I was pooping in the poop chair but here comes everyone else as I realise “oh fuck I’m on the poop chair” and bend over as to hide my bare legs and trousers round my ankles. What a conundrum this is i need to disembark the poop chair but my cheeks are caked so I deftly pull up my trousers without anyone noticing. However someone approaches me “Gorb can you hand me the poop chair the CEO needs it” I freeze as I look down into the poop chair and see my poop realising I have pooped in the CEOs poop chair. Quickly I grab the poop filled poop chair container and run off in search of a toilet but there is no toilet to be found. As I search and search I can feel my underwear clinging to my cleggy cheeks eventually I ask someone for directions to the toilet… Finally someone tells me where the toilets are as i run keen to wipe my bum and dispose of the poop chair poop container but what is this? There are no toilets… There are only group showers. A bunch of men charge in and strip me naked and make me shower so I take the opportunity to wash my bum and waffle stomp the poop down the drain without anyone noticing but another disaster strikes… There’s no soap. I concede to my poopy fate and the dream ends.

    Real dream i had last night