Seriously, I wanna go begone every time I read some carrer growth opportunity bullshit. It’s either a job or it isn’t.

I really despise anything remotely related to linkedin or whatever kind of creature dwells in that place. Can everyone do this stuff? Like, is this really how everyone gets a job? I can’t deal with all this pretending, everything requires having a linkedin profile, but not only that, you gotta sell yourself somehow. And I don’t even use social media.

Well, I have a bachelor’s degree from a good University, I’m good at what I do, here’s a portfolio. But no, I have to prove I deserve to be selected as a producer of wealth for my potential boss by pretending to be someone else. Can’t we all just be practical about this shit? I have to keep trying to put myself into boxes and trying to fit with a sort of profile that I just can’t and don’t know why.

Am I autistic? Like, do I go get a diagnosis and maybe that will help? Do I go do something on my own? Then I have to figure out what an then sell it, and I’m bad at that. I don’t know what to do and I’m tired of trying. (I was almost crying while writing this paragraph).

Honestly though, I just wanted to rant and this is one of the few places I feel safer in. Thanks for reading my angery rambling

    12 days ago

    I decided to change careers beginning of COVID and get a bachelor’s in computer science. State paid for it and it’s a top 5 CS uni, so I guess I can’t complain but the job market sucks soooo much ass.

    I feel your pain. I hate linkedin. This is my only social media (besides linkedin). The hoops for corpo jobs are unreasonable. I’m hoping to get enough experience to be able to wfh at like a non profit or something for ok pay.

    Probably gonna go back to bangin nails