Seems valid
How to buy a media cycle.
“TF do I need this thing for? Can someone just give me my phone? This is too hard. There’s too many buttons. What are all these icons for? How come they don’t do things when I touch the screen? What do you mean it’s not a touchscreen? Can someone just open the damn Twitter app so I can post? What do you mean there’s no app on this? What’s my password? I have it written down in my notes. Just give me my damn phone!”
Please. First Lady Trump would just go pee in the ocean and then claim it is hers.
That’s actually how she married Trump.
I think her handlers told her it was her next assignment.
I thought apple didn’t allow the baddies to use their tech
Tim Apple doesn’t think Trump is a baddy.
Trump wishes he had ¹/100 the intelligence and creativity that Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott had.
“Answer me robot, why’s it not answering?! Someone? …Silicone doesn’t exist you know, it’s fake news people, the internot’s a lie. Write me a letter…don’t you know about the paper factories, full of cat eating people, don’t write, don’t write, come up here and tell me, the sky doesn’t exist, it’s a woke agenda to stop you working, go to sleep at night, when it turns black, stars are a lie, buy a cyber truck, take them off the flag, it’s in the constitution, I’ll make america a crêpe again, pancakes and maple syrup, love it in the morning, on toast, Canada belongs to us, they’re our trees, give them back, give them back, give them back, give me back, give me, give me money…mom?”
I know it’s supposed to be trump but this almost reads like free-form poetry and it’s goddamn beautiful
I’m glad someone enjoyed it though I never thought it’d be compared to poetry haha! I did think it was a bit too flouncy and coherant for trump but it was fun to write!
He’s telling people in the room about everything about buying oceans, what it mean, how great it is, he has all the evidence in this computer, he’s reading all this great stuff about buying oceans, he’ll get China to pay for it, yadda, yadda … and the computer hasn’t even been turned on or plugged into anything.
Too few spelling errors.
Not a microblog post
Last time you were complaining “not a meme”. Seems like what you really don’t like is people making fun of trumplethinskin.
i know that he’s a hunt and peck typer
Should be how to buy a ocean
Make it mandatory that all references to the old name reads the new name in all print media.
Enforce rule in all federal agencies.
Pay off various groups to demand and facilitate the passing of laws enforcing this rule at state levels. (Deny Federal involvement)
Attempt to make it a culture norm, and deny any evidence it was ever called anything else. It’s un patriotic to call it the old thing.
Then you have freedom fries… Er I mean the Gulf of murica.
im feeling lucky
We’ll buy the Atlantic and make Africa pay for it!
All I see is the world’s worst comb-over.
All I see is the world’s worst
comb-over. FIFY