The project is called “Tactility” and its website is
You can run ELF binary apps directly from an SD card without restarting or flashing the ROM. There’s an SDK for building these apps, but I haven’t made an official release yet.
I wrote a blog post with some background information:
Source code and project files:
I have a python app that would love to run on a small wifi device like an ESP, how far away is the possibility to do that? Could I freeze the python fikes to (8MB IIRC) executables (Linux) and run them?
Also, how do you use an sd card on the esp?
I toyed around a lot with the old ESP 8266 back in the day so I’m a bit out of the loop with thise newer ones.
I don’t expect regular Python apps to ever run on Tactility, as the memory requirements are likely too high. There is at most about 8MB of RAM for apps available. Perhaps a special build of micropython could work at some point.
You can open the Files app and there’s a folder named “sdcard”. So far, all SD card implementations are done via a serial interface (SPI). I cannot mount them on-the-fly yet - only at boot.