Last week I posted about the magic qualities of quantum systems in Computer Science. Now I bring an example article that makes use of it.

  • obbeelOP
    6 months ago

    I think it’s interesting to see something related to the magic posted in the other article. What it’s all about. Also, the paper isn’t that complex to read. It goes through talking about quantum simulations (probably through Qiskit) and the differences between magical schemas and ordinary ones. I think it’s interesting to see what it’s all about.

    Scientific communicators try to be didactic about Science but always miss the mark on what’s really going on, especially in Quantum Mechanics. Sadly, we don’t see the same enthusiasm from these people for other areas of Physics - the classical.

    If you’re going to write “self-help” books on a scientific topic, might as well go all the way.

    What I mean is, this paper is a fun read. Someone that has a grasp about computers will understand and appreciate.