“The first principles that support these core freedoms like religious freedom and free speech did not embrace a farce like The Satanic Temple is trying to put on display. Nor does it protect irreligious mockery of these kinds of core and important celebrations,” she went on.
Well as a Calvinist (not really but bear with me) my impression is that her Catholic religion makes a mockery of Christianity, and I could call her a heretic. Can I get her opinion removed from the public discourse then, following the same logic? Iowa is mostly protestant, isn’t it? /s
Can I get her opinion removed from the public discourse
Yes, please! Not because she’s a catholic, of course. Because she’s a dumbass spreading misinformation in an effort to fight against the two most important parts of the first amendment.
“Catholic heretic proves point of Satanic Temple”
Almost like there might be some sort of conflict of interest.