A pie chart labelled “Reasons why I Run”
Taking up a small amount, less than a quarter combined, are “to look good”, “to be strong”, and (least of all) “to be fit”. Taking up the vast majority of the pie is “to be also in physical pain, besides my existential suffering”.
Why I run: because it makes me feel slightly less like shit all the time, and makes me feel rested after 9 hours sleep instead of 12. The fact that it sucks and, deep down, I feel like I deserve pain, merely serves as a motivation to get up and actually do it.
We choose to run and do the other things not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
“To forget about my existential suffering.”
Outsider looking in… 99% because something is chasing me!
So I can eat cake without guilt.
Why I run: 100% To get my shot of endorphins
Why I run: 50% calorie burning aka foodz 40% it’s fun, the easy runs 10% it’s healthy
Why I run: 90% to finally not be bothered by anyone and have a quiet time for myself
Why I run: to not feel shame while eating