Telegram is one of the most popular messaging tools, chosen by many online services to stay connected with their audiences. Major shadow libraries Z-Library and Anna’s Archive used Telegram until this week, when both accounts were terminated for copyright infringement. While these websites offer infringing content, both were cautious to avoid copyright troubles on Telegram.
Just put Telegram in the same pool with Discord, Skype, Teams and all that. They’re more at home there and no longer the status of for the people.
They need to ban CSAM telegram bots in Matrix first
Time to go to the cesspool Matrix unfortunately
Why is matrix a cesspool? What makes it more of a cesspool than telegram?
CSAM bots advertising illegal telegram groups. Absolutely disgusting. These were prevalent in multiple public channels including the piracy one that I briefly checked out.
I understand matrix is completely unregulated, but I don’t want to see even the words describing such filth
Did that not exist on telegram? How did telegram manage it?
Not to the piracy channels that I’m on now. They’re moderated.
Or just one massive signal group chat
Psst lookie here
Lol you madlads