Trump’s official acts are definitely saleable
Trump’s official acts are definitely saleable
8th Circuit?
This is fun
Jenny McCarthy for Deputy Health Secretary /s
He looks how I feel about this confirmation: WTF
The sequel to Rabbit Proof Fence got terrible reviews: Leopard Proof Face
But Elondo’s got what plants crave!
Next up, Alex Jones appointed Czar of Information Accuracy Committee. This consists of Himself, David Icke, Greg Hunter, Candace Owens, and An0maly.
Obama could have stopped this all from happening from his Georges Soros - secretly funded, evil lair. The one that’s 5 miles underground in Kenya and churns out adrenochrome from all of the ‘pizza’ they make. After all, he has steered hurricanes and burned cities to ashes with space lasers.
Don’t worry, he will learn his lesson from this
Trump has convinced his flock that Trump is America. Therefore, what is good for Trump, is good for 'murica
Therfe not oming after me, there coming after YOU. And, I am standing in their way!
For some reason, the leopard population has exploded.
I felt a great disturbance in the Farce, as if millions of leopards suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear face eating has happened.