• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • My goodness. It’s a real thing?

    I also have Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Learning that AIWS was a real thing as an adult was shocking and then brought me a great deal of comfort, making me feel less insane.

    Now learning about tachysensia i am equally shocked and comforted. It was always very scary when I experienced it as a child and would often happen specifically with my father, who was a difficult and often mentally abusive person. He was scary to begin with but sometimes his movements would become faster than a human should be able to move and he would be so much louder than anything else which made me so much more afraid.

    I can’t believe this is a real thing. Absolutely amazing.

  • At all costs present only your true little freaky weirdo self in all social situations, flaws and all. If you pretend to be something else to impress, hide what makes you uniquely you, you might meet someone who is okay but one day one of you will realize that your different enough that it won’t work. On your journey of being the real little freaky Kolanaki, plenty of people will pay you no mind and move right along but one day you’ll meet someone like you. Might not be your little freaky weirdo but will give you confidence to be even truer to your little freaky weirdo self. That cycle may keep going for sometime, which will almost certainly result in some new freaky weirdo friends. And then one day you’ll find your own little freaky weirdo and it is at that point, baby, you’ll be cooking with gas.