Barx [none/use name]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2024


  • There has been, for lack of a better term, some doomer vs resistance bloomer discourse as of late when it comes to “Israel” vs. the wider rrsidtance formation, particularly Hezbollah.

    Bad taste “owns” on either side ar, wu h as they are, not particularly productive, though I understand the catharsis they bring when horrors are visited by our enemies. But I am curious about how individuals and external formations (like your own organizations) arrive at conclusions and what analytical frameworks they bring. I am personally curious about having more correct views but would also like to self-crit my own biases and make my own orgs better.

    How do you all find and digest information about Gaza, Lebanon, and the wider movement to oppose “Israeli” settlers and their American backers? Of course I personally ally absorb a mix of mainstream and primary sources, comparing e.g. Reuters to direct Hezbollah and PFLP statements. But how do you personally synthesize this information? Do you do it alone or as a group in your org?

    And more importan, how do you concretely assist the resistance? I underst6 I’d this is not safely communicable, but I appreciate any help in providing direction.

    Personally, I feel impotent as my audience, via my orgs, are liberal laymen and I try to get them to be less genocidal and to join orgs that are pro-Palestinian. This has direct results by I feel like it is less than, for example, just funnelimg funds to the PFLP. I would prefer to do the latter but I also assume it I’d already highly illegal and would be shut off immedia if I tried it.

    I also assume that anyone helping the resistance cannot tell me how to directly assist. Buy I appreciate any hints or direction.

  • I am sorry that your friend and his people have endured so much and I hope he and those dear to him remain safe. Please let us know what would be most directly helpful for him and those around him beyond having a pro-Palestine voice. I would like to direct as much material help to Palestine as I can but this is challenging when the US limits to whom I or my organizations can donate to.

    I hope that you and your loved ones remain as safe as possible. I and my organizations help to educate Americans about Palestine and to oppose the Zionist occupiers but I always feel like it is not enough. I hope our organizations and battles will someday be enough.

    Please take care of yourselves and ask for anything that you need.

  • You should mask up in public indoor spaces and crowded outdoor spaces. Wear at least a KN95. This significantly protects you from COVID.

    Others wearing masks would be better but this doesn’t mean masks won’t protect you. You should try to get COVID as few times as possible to reduce the chances of complications. It will also help protect people around you, particularly the immunocompromised.

  • Gotta step back and critically analyze the situation.

    Agonizing over a single vote is itself a liberal proposition. It assumes that this is your political agency and very important. Really, it isn’t. Even electorally if you ever want to accomplish something it has to be done via collective organizing to have any meaningful strategic value.

    If you then frame a personal voting choice as simply a reflection of personal morality rather than anything with strategic goals, it becomes straightforward. Don’t vote for genociders or you are complicit.

    If a person thinks they are going to be a strategic voter and work collectively, then they need to state their goals, how the strategy will achieve them, and what work they will do to build their organization. They are probably doing none of this. They are probably just pretending that their personal vote is somehow strategic, which it isn’t, it’s just the liberal false framing I first mentioned.

    But if they do want to work strategically, they think power requires collective organization re: electoralism, then they need to do the hard things and confront where their logic will immediately fail. If you are organizing a group to “strategically” support Democrats in general from a leftist harm reductio perspective then what on earth distinguishes you from every other non profit industrial complex grifter that sheepdogs correct left agitation back into liberal normalization and the reinforcement of genocidal capitalist parties? Even putting aside the fact that Dems will turn on you the moment it is convenient, this is just working against yourself and for your opposition. You could spend your time much better to push specific policies and build the leverage to do so. If what you care about is electoralism that means establishing consequences for failing to meet your organization’s demands. Electorally that means withholding votes, funds, and volunteer hours and using them to do something else. It means doing the opposite of what the person you are talking to just advocated for.

  • If it’s just inventory management for cop cars does this mean you’re just tracking make, model etc for each vehicle?

    This sounds like a great way to learn what is useful about such a thing for the cops and then subtly disrupt it in favor of the people. I recommend taking the job and giving yourself a learning phase where you get a handle on what is what and how this information is actually used.

    For example, if it really is about fleet management then it’s probably about oil changes and that kind of crap. Tracking this info is mostly about saving money for the city and so they might quickly trace problems back to you so this is more subtle than simply helping cops or throwing a wrench in their operations by doing a bad job. You’l want to ask tactical questions. What happens if a specofic kind of info is missing? Late? Wrong? What if it is tracked better, with a high degree of fidelity and timeliness? Is anything hidden from budgeting? The public? Could it be revealed?

    I would bet that most info is relatively neutral or will take serious thinking to evaluate. Let’s say you find a way to make life more expensive for the police department. What happens next? Well, this depends on your city council. Will they simply increase the police budget? If someone removes the wrench you threw in, will the cops’ budget decrease or will you have effectively just helped increase the police budget that they can use for buying tactical gear and covering up their crimes?

    The power to overtly and coherently fight the police lies in political organization. In preventing city council from increasing the police budget. If you make the PD more expensive at the same time that city council refuses to increase its budget, you will have done good work. If you do this when they will increase its budget, you might have just de facto defunded a good program, as city councils will usually shift money around to fund cops.

    So I recommend learning as much as you can and being strategic. You are probably not helping cops very much in the first place but as you understand the role better you might be able to hurt them in the right way at the right time, messing with their budget. You’ll also get a lens into how the city really operates and can do that salting work that is probably far more impactful. It is a more strategic path to hurt police budgets by having a powerful union to advocate against cuts to any other department. And to do things like kick cop unions out of union coalitions.