For the last 7 months, it’s been nonstop “Israel needs to destroy Hamas”, “Go into x and finish them”, “End Hamas!”

Putting aside the genocidal implications, the only response I can formulate to this is “And then what?” The whole world just watched you bomb civillians for half a year and then celebrate it. This isn’t going to end with one group being stamped out. What happens when the next Hamas pops up? And then the one after that? Then the one after that? Are they just buying time until they can properly declare war on Lebanon or something?

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    5 months ago

    Is it bc patsocs use fatalism regarding the struggle of indigenous nations as an “argument” to oppose it? Or is it that its reproducing fatalism regarding a just struggle that needs our solidarity and “pessimism” isn’t helping?

    Yeah basically both of those. And I wasn’t leveling it as an accusation but it is a very common argument of chauvinists like PatSocs and liberals alike.