maybe-later-honey Yes, he suppports a genocide, but you must still vote for him because he has proven he cares about democracy and civic rights. funny-clown-hammer

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    6 months ago

    These articles need to start specifying in the header if they mean the left wing of politics or the left wing of fascism.

    The United States is relatively rare among democracies in that it has long lacked a far-left party with legislative representation, a distinction that has something to do with the peculiarities of its political system.

    I don’t want to be a dick to the author but I think this might be due to the US being the wretched beating heart of western imperialism and it’s ability to turn all it’s forces of counter-insurgency and counter-revolution inward, encompassing military, intelligence, business, religion, education, and propaganda, rather than the way the US has fake political parties.

    And, while this dork is saying that refusing to collaborate in genocide is an example of leftists being prissy moral purists who can’t stop letting the not-doing-genocide be the enemy of the doing genocide, people sure do like to tell leftists that the reason we don’t have guns, nukes, money, armies, propaganda, and branded juice boxes is because we get mad when people cuss. Really getting sick of the “actually you losers would be able to overcome all the powers and resources of international capitalism if you just let people yell slurs” crowd.