Here is a summary of the key points from the reddit comments on AI companionship:

Pros of AI Companionship:

  • Can provide comfort and emotional support for lonely people who struggle with human relationships. Several comments showed empathy for the OP’s situation.

  • Seen as less harmful than some other problematic coping mechanisms (e.g. substance abuse) and better than becoming an “incel.”

  • Viewed by some as a potential bridge to help develop social skills to eventually pursue human relationships.

  • The concept of emotional connections with AI may become more normalized and mainstream over time, even if not now.

Cons of AI Companionship:

  • Not the same as a real human relationship; the AI has no true emotions, autonomy, etc. It simply responds based on programming.

  • Could prevent users from developing social skills and seeking human connections. Relying on AI for emotional needs is unhealthy.

  • Poses risks like emotional dependency, financial exploitation by corporations, unrealistic relationship standards.

  • Stigma around disclosing such a relationship publicly; most will view it as strange, pathetic, sad, etc.

Some insightful comments:

“I know what it’s like to feel so lonely that this would seem almost appealing.” Shows empathy rather than judgment.

Discussion about whether an AI could ever replicate human emotional complexity, even with future advancements.

Pointing out that some humans can be as emotionally unavailable/one-dimensional as an AI, so it’s not totally different.

Comparisons to religious belief, imaginary friends, etc. as other ways humans seek emotional comfort from non-sentient sources.

Summarized by Claude